Gestural Control Games
(Garbera Shopping Centre)
The company is specialized in the development of interactive games using Kinect.
One example is the game installed in San Sebastian, where players can drive a car or pilot a plane using only their arms as the only means of interaction. The game is focused on children and young people.
It is developed using 3D cartoonish aesthetics, using bright and warm colors. Features gestural control technology using Kinect, demo video as screensaver, real-time picture taking for a daily ranking, …/span>

Christmas with Kinect and AR
For numerous clients:
- “El Faro” shopping centre
- Cafés Delta
- Badajoz City Hall
We have developed augmented reality apps for special events, such as Halloween, Christmas, an anniversary party or for the Three Kings Cavalcade.
In these events, Augmented Reality apps were created in which the public could show some pictures to a webcam and this showed a 3D model related to the event: sledges, skulls, masks, funny messages. With the experience gained, creating Augmented Reality apps of this type is extremely simple and fast for us, and has a really low cost for the client.

Kinect Entertainer
Using the body control provided by Kinect, we created an application for a a children’s entertainer for parties and events.
The application shows on a TV a 3D model that moves exactly like the entertainer of the event, which is in another room and talk with the children with a microphone.
Installed interactives in Shopping Centres